Collegedale Credit Union Rebrand
The project was an ambitious endeavor to reimagine the brand of Collegedale Credit Union in a way that would resonate with the community, while still upholding its position as the community's credit union. The objective was to propose a rebrand that could be expressed through all facets of the company's design. This was part of a broader effort by the credit union to consider rebranding possibilities, with the ultimate goal being to attract and retain the families settled in Collegedale, predominantly consisting of 30-50 year old couples with college-age and younger children.

The major challenge was revitalizing the brand to appeal to the evolving community while maintaining its authenticity and familiarity to existing customers. This was addressed by selecting colors associated with strength and reliability, using easy-to-read fonts, and modernizing design aspects. The process underscored the importance of staying true to an existing brand while presenting ideas clearly and convincingly.
The rebrand proposal was well-received and considered one of the strongest submitted. Ultimately, the client chose to combine elements from this design and another designer's proposal for their final rebrand.